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Animal Welfare

When an incident of animal cruelty occurred on a supplying farm in 2019. fairlife immediately stopped buying milk from the supplier and developed a robust welfare program in partnership with our other supplying farms, focused on strong and actionable policies.

Our Immediate Steps

Zero Tolerance for Animal Abuse

fairlife only works with farms that have a zero tolerance policy for animal abuse, and the proper care of the animals that supply the milk for our products continues to be a top priority. Since 2019, fairlife has invested more than $8 million in industry-leading animal welfare programs and policies to maintain the proper treatment of the animals at our supplying farms. This includes regular, unannounced third party audits at 100% of our supplying farms throughout the year and adherence by our partners to animal care standards well beyond what the industry requires.

We’re proud to share that in 2021 each of our supplying farms achieved 100% passage of critical care standards as determined by vigorous third-party audits. Additionally, 100% of our milk supply comes from dairy farms with verified veterinary partners who regularly monitor and oversee the health of their cows.

Care for Animals

fairlife only works with farms that have a zero tolerance policy for animal abuse. Our continued commitment to industry-leading animal care is a journey that requires continuous improvement, and we are dedicated to that mission.

For more information on our progress in animal welfare, please find our Annual Stewardship Report below.

Annual Stewardship Report.